I+D House
Due to the small dimensions of the plot, the house decidedly opts to close itself off to the two lateral boundaries, while enhancing the opening on the opposite axis, where pleasant views and the access road can be found.
The ground floor is defined by three furniture-like pieces that house various uses and serve as support for the upper volume. The resulting space is characterized by its marked open character, enhanced by the ambitious light between supports of 8.6 meters. As a result, the generous glazed opening allows for the dissolution of the interior-exterior boundary of the house, through a transition nuanced by the powerful 4.5-meter cantilever generated by the upper volume.
The continuity of ceilings, lighting, and flooring, along with the treatment of the furniture pieces that organize the floor, further contributes to interpreting the exterior spaces of the house as an integral part of it.
Thanks to a meticulous construction and structural design, the upper volume manages to maintain a lightness of image, as well as a fair play of interlocking volumes.


Category: New Construction
Use: Housing
Year: 2019-2021
Location: Alicante
Status: Built
Work coordinated by e2b architects under Project Management service.
Arquitecto Técnico: Miguel Andreu
Movimiento de tierras: Excavaciones Muchamiel
Estructura: Martínez López Estructuras
Albañilería: Escore Innovación Construcción
Impermeabilización: Los Cobollos Impermeabilizantes
Sistema de placa de yeso: Massideass Sistemas Constructivos
Carpintería exterior: Mínima Ventanas
Carpintería madera: Manuel Belda Sánchez
Estructura y cerrajería metálica: Cerrajería Álvarez
Fontanería: David Ruiz Larios
Climatización: Azorín Climatización
Instalación eléctrica: David González García
Iluminación: Nosololuz
Vidrios, celosía aluminio y panel composite: Cristalería Victoria
Krion: Deco Relos
Piscina: Piscinas Orcelitanas
Painting: Aníbal Decoraciones
Pintura y Decoración: JF
Jardinería: Entreverde
Césped artificial: TurfMasters International
Cortinas y estores: Persianas y Cortinas Gil
Sanitarios, griferías y revestimientos: Porcelanosa
Ascensorista: Otis
Mobiliario: Valentín Sánchez